2003 Archives by thread
Starting: Fri Jan 3 20:13:00 PST 2003
Ending: Wed Dec 17 07:32:00 PST 2003
Messages: 249
- [RASMB] Lectureship + Postdoc vacancies
Stephen Harding
- [RASMB] EMBO workshop on crowding (14-18 June 2003, Spain)
- [RASMB] Postdoc positions available
Joel Mackay
- [RASMB] 2 ligands and no equation
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] still 2 ligands but a couple of equations
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] still 2 ligands and even more equations...
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] Equilibrium AU possible for multivalent receptors?
- [RASMB] partial specific volume
Carlos Alfonso Botello
- [RASMB] Announcement: UltraScan 6.0 released
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Open BS/MS Position
Blasie, Cheryl [CNTUS]
- [RASMB] v-bar PSS
- [RASMB] 13. AUC Symposium 6./7. March 2003 in Osnabrueck, Germany
John Philo
Joel Mackay
- [RASMB] Hb vbar...
DJ Scott, Biochemistry
- [RASMB] V bar of haemoglobin
- [RASMB] summary of MALLS
Joel Mackay
- [RASMB] RE: Ultracentrifuge workshop
Thearith H. Ung
- [RASMB] Thank you-ultracentrifugation workshop
Thearith H. Ung
- [RASMB] raptor drivers
Kristian Schilling
- [RASMB] thanks: raptor drivers
Kristian Schilling
- [RASMB] Interaction of A and B at different wavelenghts
lelj at interchange.ubc.ca
- [RASMB] Help! No model fits my sedimentation eq data
Guinevere A. Murphy
- [RASMB] Gwen's 16.9 kDa
- [RASMB] meeting next week?
Heather Hargett
- [RASMB] Density of HEPES
lelj at interchange.ubc.ca
- [RASMB] Compare MW obtained from Segal vs. MW obtained from Beckman Origi n
Chin, Christopher
- [RASMB] Chris comb. Origin-Beckman and Segal
- [RASMB] Rho value for HEPES buffer
Quyen Hoang
- [RASMB] Questions on NONLIN
lelj at interchange.ubc.ca
- [RASMB] Interference Optics - HELP!
Lisa Joss
- [RASMB] Segal also for 6 channel
- [RASMB] Compare MW obtained from Segal vs. Origin
Chin, Christopher
- [RASMB] REminder. EMBO workshop on crowding
- [RASMB] no digital camera
- [RASMB] SEGAL 6-channel update
Chin, Christopher
- [rasmb] --> pagecopy - function
Gregor Witte
- [RASMB] Workshop announcement
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] baseline, radius values, & variance
McCornack, Melissa A
- [RASMB] melissa's baseline
- [RASMB] Fw: Trace interpretation ?
Gordon Campbell
- [RASMB] parts repair
Giselle Knudsen
- [RASMB] Intermolecular Associations in 2 and 3D, Nottingham June19/20
Stephen Harding
- [RASMB] Ultracentrifugation of liposomes
pfrancis at chml.ubc.ca
- [RASMB] liposomes
- [RASMB] Help
Guozhou Chen
- [RASMB] Ultraspin Error Message
Erin Matthews
- [RASMB] Viscosity of TMAO
Yujia Xu
- [RASMB] Request for proposals
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] AUC Workshop
James Cole
- [RASMB] Looking for Les Holladay
Kathryn Howard
- [RASMB] Spamming
ospivey at bmb-fs1.biochem.okstate.edu
- [RASMB] presentation graphics
Giselle Knudsen
- [RASMB] AUC Workshop: Registration extended
Jeff Lary
- [RASMB] XLI Innovations
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Ooops...
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Questions about interference optics
John Steckert
- [RASMB] a lot
- [RASMB] Question
Jones, Samantha
- [RASMB] buffer components and IF optics
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] DDT, detergents, and reference intensities
HOLLADAYL at aol.com
- [RASMB] XLA/computer communications
Jim Bloom
- [RASMB] epon and acetonitrile
John Philo
- [RASMB] Frict ratios, multiple species, and sedfit
Avi Chakrabartty
- [RASMB] time to reach equilibrium
Patrick England
- [RASMB] dextran viscosity ?
Pascale Barbier
- [RASMB] viscosity
john.e.harlan at abbott.com
- [RASMB] disulfides
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] equi. time
- [RASMB] Beckman Coulter Introduces Pre-assembled Cells for the XL-A/XL-I
mchien at beckman.com
- [RASMB] XLA/XLI Instrument Software
John Steckert
- [RASMB] cell disassembly
ljs at mail.csb.yale.edu
- [RASMB] centerpiece stuck
- [RASMB] ANNOUNCEMENT: UltraScan Workshop
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] SEDANAL UPDATE version 2.91- includes DCDT analysis
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] NaF, NaFl, or NaCl!
John Burgner
- [RASMB] sapphire windows
- [RASMB] saphire W.
- [RASMB] (no subject)
Monique Hug, Kyburz AG
- [RASMB] RE: RASMB [sapphire windows]
Leung, Iris K [R&D/1005]
- [RASMB] frctional ratio
Ewa Folta-Stogniew
- [RASMB] re: RASMB digest, Vol 1 #196 - 5 msgs
John Champagne
- [RASMB] address to facilitate posting
John Rodgers
- [RASMB] s value of IgM
Arthur Rowe
- [RASMB] His tagged proteins
John Rodgers
- [RASMB] Chervenka centerpieces
Leung, Iris K [R&D/1005]
- [RASMB] Chervenka centerpiece
- [RASMB] Chervenka centrepiece
Richard M Thomas
- [RASMB] hydrated vs. anhydrous MW
Karl.Maluf at UCHSC.edu
- [RASMB] Scans
Jones, Samantha
- [RASMB] Fwd: Re: Welcome to RASMB
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] problems with housings
Robert Fairman
- [RASMB] Information on partial specific volume in PMAL (amphipathic polymers) detergents
Emmanuel Guigard
- [RASMB] guanidinium-thyocianate
Carlos Alfonso Botello
- [RASMB] torque stands
Roy Hantgan
Chin, Christopher
- [RASMB] basic Reedit, Match, and WinNonlin instructions
Henry N. Higgs
- [RASMB] NONLIN concentration factors
Giselle Knudsen
- [RASMB] Lamp Assembly
Timothy R. Mack
- [RASMB] European/UK Analytical Ultracentrifuge Meeting, Oxford 2004
Stephen Harding
- [RASMB] postdoctoral position available
Peter T. Beernink
- [RASMB] UK/European Analytical Ultracentrifuge Conference CALL FOR PAPERS
David Scott
- [RASMB] equilibrium run questions
Henry N. Higgs
- [RASMB] shut down problems with old XLA
John Burgner
Stephen Harding
- [RASMB] Scientist position available
Zhuchun_Wu at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] SedAnal Version 3.15
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] sedimentation
John Coropisnita
- Antwort: Re: [RASMB] sedimentation
lars.boerger at basf-ag.de
- [RASMB] difference between experimental and modelled sed coef for protein-DNA complexes
Marcelo Nollmann
- [RASMB] vbar of DM +OG
- [RASMB] again about densities of OG+DM
- [RASMB] Hydration of DM/OG cont...
- [RASMB] partial specific volume of a glycosaminoglycan--"HEPARIN"
- [RASMB] v of heparin
- [RASMB] heparin vbar
brass at uconnvm.uconn.edu
- [RASMB] how to determine base of cell
Karl.Maluf at UCHSC.edu
- [RASMB] Postdoctoral Position
James Cole
- [RASMB] UK/European Analytical Ultracentrifuge Conference 2nd Circular
David Scott
- [RASMB] refractive index increment for lipids
Ebel Christine
- [RASMB] A short course in sedimentation velocity
David Scott
- [RASMB] XLA intensity cutoff?
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] Payments for Oxford Conference and other stuff.
David Scott
- [RASMB] Loading concentration
Lin Fang
Last message date:
Wed Dec 17 07:32:00 PST 2003
Archived on: Wed Jul 27 11:22:00 PDT 2022
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