[RASMB] XLA/computer communications
lelj at interchange.ubc.ca
lelj at interchange.ubc.ca
Tue May 13 12:51:01 PDT 2003
I do have some comunication problem with my instrument, or better I should say that almost everytime I turn the computer on the software never "communicates" with the XLA. I use the software to switch from Comm 1 to Comm 2 exactly as the Beckman engineer suggested and this turn on the flashing thunder. In my case it always work and I have never had any other problem.
My insturment was installed last august, so I guess it is not a software problem!
> Date: Tue May 13 09:09:16 PDT 2003
> From: John Philo <jphilo at mailway.com>
> Subject: RE: [RASMB] XLA/computer communications
> To: jim.bloom.b at bayer.com, rasmb at rasmb-email.bbri.org
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> Jim,
> I've never heard of a similar situation so I suspect this problem is unique
> to your computer, XL-A, or software configuration (sorry, small comfort).
> With regard to upgrading computer and software, I think right now is a poor
> time to do it. Beckman will "soon" be releasing a new version of the
> instrument control software (what they call the "GUI") that runs under
> Windows 2000, and I think it would be foolish to change until that happens.
> I don't think there is a firm date for that release (which is driven by the
> need to change the camera chip for the interference optics), but we've been
> running beta versions in the new user training course for about a year now.
> John Philo
> Alliance Protein Laboratories
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rasmb-admin at rasmb-email.bbri.org
> [mailto:rasmb-admin at rasmb-email.bbri.org] On Behalf Of Jim Bloom
> Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 8:08 AM
> To: rasmb at rasmb-email.bbri.org
> Subject: [RASMB] XLA/computer communications
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> Search All the Archives at: http://rasmb-email.bbri.org/rasmb_search.html
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> Colleagues:
> I have had a communications problem between my XLA and computer for
> several years and would appreciate any insights you might have to 'improve
> communications'!
> My XLA was purchased in 1995 and has the original computer and
> software (Windows for Workgroups version 3.11; User Interface 1995-1996,
> version 3.01g). I turn on the power to the XLA, then the computer and boot
> up the software. I usually then do a 3000 rpm scan to determine if
> everything is ok. I start the centrifuge from the software, it goes to
> speed. However, the software indicates the centrifuge is not spinning and
> the scan does not start. After about 30 min I get a message pop up saying
> that there is a communications problem. I cannot stop the centrifuge from
> the software and have to use the XLA console control to stop it. I then
> exit the software and Windows, shut of the power to the computer followed by
> the power to the centrifuge. After about a minute I repeat
> the above procedure. After about 3 of these cycles communications are
> established and everything is fine.
> Recently the centrifuge was moved and I had a Beckman engineer set it
> up. I did not tell him about the problem above. When he was done he
> indicated that he had observed a communications problem. He knew this
> because he had the front panel off the control pedestal on the XLA and could
> tell from the red blinking lights on a circuit board whether communications
> had been established or not. He suggested that I might try using the
> software to switch from Comm 1 to Comm 2
> and back again but could not guarantee that this would work. He did not
> have a
> solution to the problem.
> My solution to the above problem is to never shut off the XLA and
> computer and avoid exiting the control software program. This solution
> works
> fine and I am able to leave the system on for weeks without running it and
> when I come back to use it everything is ok.
> I have four questions: 1.) the obvious one, does anyone have a
> solution other than never turning the system off; 2.) out of curiosity has
> anyone else had the problem (whether they have a solution or not); 3.) if
> I were to get the latest computer and latest software, would the problem be
> corrected; 4.) finally a more general question: latest software and modern
> computer....are they worth the cost and hassle?
> Jim Bloom
> Bayer Corp.
> Berkeley, CA
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Barbara Lelj Garolla Di Bard
Dr. Mauk's Lab
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of British Columbia
2146 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z3
Phone: (604) 822-2526
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