2005 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Jan 3 23:13:01 PST 2005
Ending: Sat Dec 17 10:35:38 PST 2005
Messages: 264
- [RASMB] Protein Self-Association, can we all agree on the same model?
Chin, Christopher
- [RASMB] 13th International Symposium on Analytical Ultracentrifugation
Prof. Dr. M.D. Lechner
- [RASMB] Wellcome Trust PhD Programme - please advertise
Olwyn Byron
- [RASMB] potassium ions and saphire windows
John E Harlan
- [RASMB] maximum smax in sedfit
Qin Zou
- [RASMB] lower molecular weight
Beld, Joris
- [RASMB] lower molecular weight
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] minimum and maximum
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] question about Sedfit
ss2337 at columbia.edu
- [RASMB] new AUC resources website
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] question about Sedfit
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] maximum smax& low MW
John Correia
- [RASMB] high/low s m
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] vibrations
Karl.Maluf at UCHSC.edu
- [RASMB] charcoal-epon centrepieces and organic solvents
Beld, Joris
- [RASMB] charcoal-epon centrepieces and organic solvents
Richard M Thomas
- [RASMB] vibrations
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] How about an online library?
Allen Minton
- [RASMB] How about an online library?
Brad Langhorst
- [RASMB] How about an online library?
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Responses to 'How about an online library?'
Allen Minton
- [RASMB] gravity sweep experiment
Qin Zou
- [RASMB] gravity sweep experiment
John Correia
- [RASMB] gravity sweep experiment
Qin Zou
- [RASMB] Surface induced antibody aggregation?
David Hayes
- [RASMB] Stuck screw ring
Luitgard Nagel-Steger
- [RASMB] Stuck screw ring
Neil Errington
- [RASMB] Death of Gerson Kegeles
brass at uconnvm.uconn.edu
- [RASMB] minimum and maximum
Qin Zou
- [RASMB] Antibodies
Qin Zou
- [RASMB] minimum and maximum
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Antibodies
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] UltraScan 7.0 released
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Procedures for Cleaning Ultracentrifuge Cells
Allen H Pekar
- [RASMB] Substrate & quaternary structure
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] Procedures for Cleaning Ultracentrifuge Cells
rkroe at rdg.boehringer-ingelheim.com
- [RASMB] Substrate & quaternary structure
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
- [RASMB] Substrate & quaternary structure
- [RASMB] Substrate & quaternary structure
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] Death of Geoffrey Gilbert
brass at uconnvm.uconn.edu
- [RASMB] Postdoctoral Opening
Michael G. Fried
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Dmitry Veprintsev
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
John E Harlan
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Satinder Singh
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Leech, AP
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Mary Barkley
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Nourse, Amanda
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Dror Noy
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Kristian Schilling
- [RASMB] Interest in Turbomolecular pumps
hans-georg.mueller.hm at bayerindustry.de
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Andy Baron
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Joseph Yanchunas
- [RASMB] Turbomolecular Pump
Helmut Cölfen
Karel Planken
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Steve Shire
- [RASMB] Elevated temperature operation with a turbomoledcular pump.
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] ANNOUCEMENT: Analytical Ultracentrifugation Workshop
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] turbomolecular pump
Margaret Daugherty
Carlos Alfonso Botello
- [RASMB] Looking for an XLA
Hill, John
- [RASMB] Lamm15
Joachim Behlke
- [RASMB] Looking for an XLA
H. Olin Spivey
- [RASMB] Looking for an XLA
H. Olin Spivey
- [RASMB] analysis of heterodimerization
ss2337 at columbia.edu
- [RASMB] analysis of heterodimerization
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] windows
Irene Hallyburton
- [RASMB] tapered tips for loading samples
Qin Zou
- [RASMB] analysis of heterodimerization
Glen Ramsay
- [RASMB] tapered tips for loading samples
Balbo, Andrea (NIH/OD/ORS)
- [RASMB] AUC reproducibility
Rasa, M.V
- [RASMB] tapered tips for loading samples
Qin Zou
- [RASMB] AUC reproducibility
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
- [RASMB] AUC reproducibility
Rasa, M.V
- [RASMB] AUC reproducibility
Karen Fleming
- [RASMB] AUC reproducibility
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
- [RASMB] Reminder: UltraScan seminar tomorrow
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Data analysis with Sedfit: Smin setting affect the sedimentation profile and how we should deal with it?
Yi-Ming_Li at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] Data analysis with Sedfit: Smin setting affect the sedimentation profile and how we should deal with it?
John Philo
- [RASMB] Thanks a lot for your help
Yi-Ming_Li at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] UltraScan 7.1 released
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Help on AUC (sedmentation velocity)
Yu-Chia Cheng
- [RASMB] Help on AUC (sedmentation velocity)
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Help on AUC (sedimentation velocity)
John Philo
- (again) [RASMB] Help on AUC (sedimentation velocity)
John Philo
- [RASMB] Help on AUC (sedmentation velocity)
Jacob Lebowitz
- [RASMB] FW: One suggestion from the sedfit workshop was to create a "user's group mail list" This shows how to subscribe.
John Burgner
- [RASMB] rehabilitating bad windows
Dyche Mullins
- [RASMB] rehabilitating bad windows
Virgil Schirf
- [RASMB] Annual Workshop
Cole, James
- [RASMB] Why loading concentration affect main peak percentage so much?
Yi-Ming_Li at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] Why loading concentration affect main peak percentage so much?
John Philo
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thursday, May 5
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
John McGeehan
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
John Philo
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
Leech, AP
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
John Correia
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar / Equilibrium data
Leech, AP
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar / Equilibrium data
John Correia
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
John Philo
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
John Correia
- [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
John Philo
- [RASMB] UltraSpin 2.1 released
Dmitry Veprintsev
- FW: [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
James Cole
- FW: [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
Karen Fleming
- FW: [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
Brian M. Baker
- FW: [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] FC43 fluorocarbon silicon oil
Beld, Joris
- [RASMB] FC43 fluorocarbon silicon oil
Blasie, Cheryl [CNTUS]
- [RASMB] FC43 fluorocarbon silicon oil
Tom Laue
- FW: [RASMB] Origin software and vbar
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] noise
judithk at vax2.concordia.ca
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thursday, June 2nd
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Open Scientist Position
Blasie, Cheryl [CNTUS]
- [RASMB] SOMO: a new program for constructing hydrodynamic bead models
Olwyn Byron
- [RASMB] Am I missing something?
Dror Noy
- [RASMB] Am I missing something?
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Am I missing something?
Borries Demeler
- Antw: [RASMB] Am I missing something?
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] Am I missing something?
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Re: Red XLA (Re: Am I missing something?)
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] SOMO update
Olwyn Byron
- [RASMB] Am I missing something?
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] Multi-wavelength velocity
Leech, AP
- [RASMB] Multi-wavelength velocity
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Multi-wavelength velocity
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] liposome
Christine Ebel
- [RASMB] liposome
Richard M Thomas
- [RASMB] liposomes
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] liposome
Kirk C Aune
- [RASMB] lamp intensity drop
Dror Noy
- AW: [RASMB] lamp intensity drop
Claus Urbanke
- [RASMB] lamp intensity drop
Karen Fleming
- [RASMB] lamp intensity drop
Peter Schuck
- AW: [RASMB] lamp intensity drop
John Weeks
- [RASMB] Fwd: [mcfa-career] Scientists petition for increased EC funding for research
- [RASMB] lamp intensity drop
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] radial shift
Beld, Joris
- [RASMB] radial shift
John Philo
- [RASMB] radial shift
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Lamp o-ring Beckman part number
John Gunther
- Fwd: [RASMB] lamp intensity drop
Dror Noy
- [RASMB] lamp intensity drop
John Philo
- [RASMB] UltraScan AccessGrid Seminar Thu July 7th
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Compressibility of tetrahydrofuran and chloroform
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Software Crash
Irene Hallyburton
- Ant: [RASMB] Software Crash
Irene Hallyburton
- [RASMB] hdropro
Dean Malencik
- [RASMB] hdropro
Cole, James
- [RASMB] Software Crash
John Philo
- [RASMB] Software Crash
John Philo
- [RASMB] winmatch
ruvi wiener
- [RASMB] one or two components
judithk at vax2.concordia.ca
- [RASMB] one or two components
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] AUC workshop at NIH
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Cell Leak
Allen H Pekar
- [RASMB] Cell Leak
Virgil Schirf
- [RASMB] SedVel60K centerpieces [was Cell Leak]
John Philo
- [RASMB] Cell Leak
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] SedVel60K centerpieces [was Cell Leak]
Virgil Schirf
- [RASMB] cell leak update
Allen H Pekar
- [RASMB] SedVel60K centerpieces
John Correia
- [RASMB] Cell Leak
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] SedVel60K centerpieces
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
- [RASMB] breaking cells
John Burgner
- [RASMB] Cell Leak
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Our two cents on SedVel60K centerpieces
Debby Pheasant
- [RASMB] UltraScan AccessGrid Seminar Thu Sept. 1
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] SedVel60K centerpieces
Leech, AP
Cole, James
- [RASMB] Centerpiece compatibility
Debby Pheasant
- [RASMB] Centerpiece compatibility
- [Rasmb] postdoctoral position, Grenoble France.
Christine Ebel
- [Rasmb] Tween 80 effect on c(s)
Qin "Chin" Zou
- [Rasmb] troubles with RASMB web site
Walter Stafford
- [Rasmb] Tween 80 effect on c(s)
Qin "Chin" Zou
- [Rasmb] Tween 80 effect on c(s)
Peter Schuck
- [Rasmb] Tween 80 effect on c(s)
John Philo
- [Rasmb] Tween 80 effect on c(s)
Peter Schuck
- [Rasmb] Tween 80 effect on c(s)
Qin "Chin" Zou
- [Rasmb] Tween 80 effect on c(s)
- [Rasmb] Tween 80 effect
Yi-Ming_Li at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] UltraScan AccessGrid Seminar Thu Oct. 6 - from Borries Demeler
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] Sedfit Workshop
David Hayes
- [RASMB] Sedfit Workshop
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Heterogenous association
Yu-Chia Cheng
- [RASMB] ovalbumin, lysozyme
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] ANNOUNCEMENT: AUC Workshop in San Antonio
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Postdoctoral Positions-Enzymology and Biochemistry of Blood Coagulation
Sriram Krishnaswamy
- [RASMB] RASMB Gordon Conference Ventura, CA. January 15-20, 2006
Geoff Howlett
- [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Norbert Muecke
- [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Andy Baron
- [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
John Philo
- [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
John Correia
- [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Robert Gilbert
- [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] refraction line in the SV boundary
Ariel Lustig
- Fwd: Re: [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Peter Schuck
- Fwd: Re: [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Peter Schuck
- Fwd: Re: [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Postdoctoral position available
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Arthur Rowe
- Fwd: Re: [RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Allen Minton
- [RASMB] AccessGrid Seminar Thu Nov. 3rd
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] JobOpen: Assoc Scientist I/II, MicroArray Specialist
- [RASMB] window glass suppliers
Rasa, M.V
- [RASMB] window glass suppliers
Virgil Schirf
- [RASMB] JobOpen: Research Protein Biochem Scientist I/II
- [RASMB] window glass suppliers
Kristian Schilling
- [RASMB] window glass suppliers
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] High sucrose concentrations in sed velocity experiments
Parker, Matthew
- [RASMB] High sucrose concentrations in sed velocity experiments
David Scott
- [RASMB] High sucrose concentrations in sed velocity experiments
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] New AUC book
David Scott
- [RASMB] New AUC book
David Scott
- [RASMB] High sucrose concentrations in sed velocityexperiments
John Philo
- [RASMB] High sucrose concentrations in sed velocity experimen ts
Stoner, Michael
- [RASMB] High sucrose concentrations in sed velocityexperiments
John Correia
- [RASMB] High sucrose concentrations in sed velocityexperiments
David Scott
- [RASMB] glycosylation
Dyche Mullins
- [RASMB] glycosylation
Dyche Mullins
- [RASMB] glycosylation
Jacob Lebowitz
- [RASMB] torque strength with Al centerpieces
Karen Fleming
- [RASMB] torque strength
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] torque strength
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
- [RASMB] torque strength
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] torque strength
Leech, AP
- [RASMB] torque strength with Al centerpieces
John Correia
- [RASMB] Sapphire Cell Windows
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] Post-doc position available
David Scott
- [RASMB] Open Position
rkroe at rdg.boehringer-ingelheim.com
- [RASMB] AUC windows
cjohnson at salk.edu
- [RASMB] AUC windows
John Philo
- [RASMB] AUC windows
cjohnson at salk.edu
- [RASMB] (no subject)
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] AUC windows
Lyle Carrington
- [RASMB] (no subject)
Lyle Carrington
- [RASMB] membrane protein
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] membrane protein LS contribution
Ewa Folta-Stogniew
- [RASMB] high salt in sedimentation velocity
Qin "Chin" Zou
- [RASMB] high salt in sedimentation velocity
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] sedfit simulation on c(s)
Qin "Chin" Zou
- [RASMB] sedfit simulation on c(s)
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Spare lamp holder
Rasa, M.V
- [RASMB] frictional ratio
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] frictional ratio
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] frictional ratio
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] frictional ratio
Arthur Rowe
- AW: [RASMB] frictional ratio
Claus Urbanke
- [RASMB] sedfit simulation on c(s)
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] frictional ratio - correction
Arthur Rowe
- [RASMB] 6-channel centerpieces
Rasa, M.V
- AW: [RASMB] 6-channel centerpieces
Claus Urbanke
- [RASMB] 6-channel centerpieces
John Philo
- [RASMB] 6-channel centerpieces
Virgil Schirf
- [RASMB] a collection of Windows software added to the server
HOLLADAYL at aol.com
- [RASMB] Workshop training for interference optics?
Parker, Matthew
- [RASMB] Workshop training for interference optics?
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Workshop training for interference optics?
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] AUC workshop at NIH
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Model E for Chemical Heritage Foundation
John Philo
- [RASMB] Workshop training for interference optics?
Tom Laue
Last message date:
Sat Dec 17 10:35:38 PST 2005
Archived on: Wed Jul 27 11:22:57 PDT 2022
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