[RASMB] peak in sedimentation velocity scans at high protein conc.
Tom Laue
Tom.Laue at unh.edu
Fri Oct 28 11:44:10 PDT 2005
Hi all,
Andy, Jack and John are right. This is a schlieren phenomenon, and is a
consequence of the gradient in refractive index (gradient in
concentration), and not the concentration per se. The early XLAs had a
shorter "snout" on the slit assembly and the schlieren peaks were a
common feature. This problem was rectified by Beckman very early on (by
machine #11, I think). Arthur Rowe, Steve Harding and Helmut Colfen used
the schlieren peak to get S for a polysaccharide sample as I recall.
In any case, your best option is to analyze data where the gradient has
diminished sufficiently for the peak to disappear. If this does not
occur, it would suggest that your sample has a large amount of
hydrodynamic nonideality (i.e. a graph of s versus c has a steep
negative slope). Depending on what question you are addressing, you may
not be able to answer the question readily by sedimentation velocity.
Best wishes,
Norbert Muecke wrote:
>I have done some velocity runs at high protein conc. (up to 6g/l).
>A new peak within the boundary could be observed.
>I have attached the scans of three different concentrations.
>Absorbance was measured at 284nm.
>Any idea of how to explain that phenomena would be appreciated.
>Best regards
>Division Biophysics of Macromolecules, B040
>German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), TP3
>Im Neuenheimer Feld 580
>D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
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