2006 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Jan 1 20:10:51 PST 2006
Ending: Thu Dec 21 07:42:00 PST 2006
Messages: 269
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] UltraScan AccessGrid Seminar Thu. Jan 5th
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] 3mm vs 12 mm
Michael Cosgrove
- [RASMB] 3 / 12 mm cell
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] 15th international AUC workshop and symposium in London, England
Perkins, Steve (Medsch Bloomsbury/Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- [RASMB] Use of SDS to study peptide
Damien Thévenin
- [RASMB] Meniscus matching centerpieces
Stoner, Michael
- [RASMB] meniscus matching centerpiece
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] averages from SV
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] Empty holes in 8-cell rotor?
Parker, Matthew
- [RASMB] 8 hole rotor for sedimentation velocity
- [RASMB] Postdoctoral Position
Dorothy Beckett
- [RASMB] AccessGrid Seminar Thu Feb 2nd
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] 5th annual AUC workshop in San Antonio
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Two species plots from sedimentation coef averages
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] Two species plots from sedimentation coef averages -resend#2
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] please be patient - testing the RASMB archiving function ...
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] Two species plots from sedimentation coef averages -text only
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] Two species plots from sedimentation coef averages -text only no figure
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] One pure sample, three wavelengths, and differing apparent elution volumes !
Richard Kingston
- [RASMB] 15th International Workshop and Symposium at University College London, 4-7 April
Perkins, Steve (Medsch Bloomsbury/Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- [RASMB] Theory of S moments
John Correia
- [RASMB] New AUC Book: Analytical Ultracentrifugation of Polymers and Nanoparticles
Lars Boerger
- [RASMB] Lamm06
Joachim Behlke
- [RASMB] Working with glycerol solutions
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
- FW: [RASMB] Working with glycerol solutions
Cole, James
- [RASMB] RE: DC/Dt vs. sedfit
Chin, Christopher
- [RASMB] Consultation
Olin Spivey
- [RASMB] Working with toluene
Thomas Adam Jowitt
- [RASMB] Looking for a Used Beckman XL-A or XL-I
Kerney Jebrell Glover
- [RASMB] release of DCDT+ version 2
John Philo
- [RASMB] (no subject)
Yi-Ming_Li at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] Can I get ls-g*(s) without meniscus and RI noise fitting?
Yi-Ming_Li at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] Biophysical Research Investigator
Michael L Doyle
- [RASMB] ANNOUNCEMENT: UltraScan 7.3 released
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] new SEDFIT version 9.3b
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] new SEDPHAT version 4.1b
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] Announcement: AUC workshop at the University of Connecticut
Cole, James
- [RASMB] combining DLS and sedimentation equilibrium to get molecular shape
David Lee
- [RASMB] The 15th International AUC Conference in London on 4-7 April 2006
Perkins, Steve (Medsch Bloomsbury/Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
Norbert Muecke
Cole, James
- [RASMB] Precision of c(s) method
Parker, Matthew
- [RASMB] Thoughts about convection, Identifying convection and preventing convection
David Hayes
- [RASMB] Sedimentation Velocity Experiments that are hard to fit
David Hayes
- Fwd: RE: [RASMB] Sedimentation Velocity Experiments that are hard to fit
David Hayes
- [RASMB] New AUC service
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] University of Connecticut 15th Annual AUC Workshop
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] New Version of SEDANAL (V4.34) is available.
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] SEDANAL Users' Manual (page numbers)
Walter Stafford
- [RASMB] reverse sedimentation velocity data
Dean Malencik
- [Fwd: Re: [RASMB] reverse sedimentation velocity data]
pschuck at helix.nih.gov
- [RASMB] Analytical Ultracentrifugation VIII
Christine.Wandrey at epfl.ch
- [RASMB] HeteroAnalysis reference?
Leech, AP
- [RASMB] Open positions at Amgen
Gokarn, Yatin
- [RASMB] Mains power glitches
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
- [RASMB] Workshop on protein aggregation and immunogenicity
John Philo
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thu May 4th
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] new conformation and mol. wt software from the NCMH
Stephen Harding
- [RASMB] AOS version 1 available on the RASMB
Tom Laue
James Whittle
- [RASMB] postdoctoral position available
Rasa, M.V
- [RASMB] RE: radial calibration [originally from SEDFIT user group]
John Philo
- [RASMB] Model E
Jeff Cohlberg
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thu June 1
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Senior Scientist position in Biophysical Analysis at Amgen Washin gton
Narhi, Linda
- [RASMB] DTT for equilibrium runs?
Debby Pheasant
- [RASMB] vbar
Chad Brautigam
- [RASMB] ANNOUNCE: UltraScan 8.0 released
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] sedimentation velocity in acetonitrile/water
Dror Noy
- [RASMB] Job Opening at Abbott Bioresearch
W. Blaine Stine
- [RASMB] Vacuum pump
Christine.Wandrey at epfl.ch
- [RASMB] spinalin and...
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] memb. prot. prep. appl.
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thu July 6th
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] refractive index increment
Faith Coldren
- [RASMB] s values as function of cell position
jack kornblatt
- [RASMB] Abrupt change in intensity
Maluf, Nasib K
- [RASMB] For SOMO users - New ASAB1 version
Mattia Rocco
- [RASMB] Job Openings
Wang, Wei (ST. Louis)
- [RASMB] Spin Analytical
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Looking for an XL-A
Carlos Enrique Catalano
- [RASMB] systematic differences
Jack Kornblatt
- [RASMB] DTT data; SEDNTERP update
John Philo
- [RASMB] XL-I laser wavelength, magnitude versus pixels per fringe and mag netic field(s)
Karel Planken
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thu Sept. 7th
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] more on systematic differences
Jack Kornblatt
- [RASMB] more systematic differences
Jack Kornblatt
- [RASMB] frictional coefficient of rings?
Maluf, Nasib K
- [RASMB] Should we fit the SV data for bottom level for quantifying protein aggregate?
Yi-Ming_Li at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] Segal paper mail 1
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] segal papermail 2
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] segal paper mail 3
Ariel Lustig
- [RASMB] 3mm centerpieces
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Model E AUC photograph
mitrana at mail.utexas.edu
- [RASMB] Model E nostalgia
Richard M Thomas
- [RASMB] ellipsoids of revolution
mitrana at mail.utexas.edu
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thu Oct 5th
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] triton removal
EJ Longman
- [RASMB] 16th Symposium on Analytical Ultracentrifugation
Claus Urbanke
- [RASMB] H-D-exchange
Holger Strauss
- [RASMB] SedVel60K-FDS and AOS 1.2 available
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] nanoparticles
Louise Creagh
- WG: [RASMB] nanoparticles
wendel.wohlleben at basf.com
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thu Nov. 2
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] Frict ratios and sedfit
Samantha Jones (PRION)
- [RASMB] Frictional ratio of two touching spheres
Karel Planken
- [RASMB] Is possible to use rmsd value to estimate the limit of detection and limit of quantitation of aggregates?
Yi-Ming_Li at hgsi.com
- [RASMB] AUC Upgrade
Christine.Wandrey at epfl.ch
- [RASMB] smaller protein size than expected
fang.yi at yale.edu
- WG: [RASMB] AUC Upgrade
wendel.wohlleben at basf.com
- [RASMB] 16th International Symposium Analytical Ultracentrifugation
Claus Urbanke
- [RASMB] UltraScan Seminar Thu Dec. 7th
Borries Demeler
- [RASMB] sednterp values
Judith Kornblatt
- [RASMB] AOS Version 1.3 released
Tom Laue
- [RASMB] Workshop On Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic Analysis of Biological Macromolecules in Solution With SEDFIT and SEDPHAT
Peter Schuck
- [RASMB] XL-I Cell Data Reporting Fix
pjvoelker at beckman.com
- [RASMB] Viscosity of NaCl solutions
Harding Stephen
- [RASMB] torque stands and isodesmic models
Roy Hantgan
- [RASMB] AUC with RNA
Dror Noy
Last message date:
Thu Dec 21 07:42:00 PST 2006
Archived on: Wed Jul 27 11:23:10 PDT 2022
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