WG: [RASMB] AUC Upgrade
Peter Schuck
pschuck at helix.nih.gov
Tue Nov 14 07:08:16 PST 2006
Hi Wendel,
we also that intermittently the problem on our newest XL-I that individual
outlier scans seem to have been saved with the wrong extension (wrong cell
number). However, I was under the impression that it had been fixed
quickly (i.e. within a few months), and we don't seem to have that problem
anymore. All of that was one or two years ago.
During the time when it did occur, things were not as bad for us as it
sounds, since each of the interference cells has its own 'fingerprint' with
the time-invariant noise. (The problem did not occur with the absorbance
cells.) Due to the characteristic noise, the few scans that were saved
incorrectly could be easily flagged out once a preliminary fit was done,
since the rmsd of that particular scan was clearly an outlier due to
different TI noise offset. There is a function into SEDFIT for recognizing
and excluding the worst scan, which was included just this purpose. Note
that this approach works only for samples where you can get a fit with rmsd
< 0.01, which is usually the case for the fairly dilute protein systems (<
1 mg/ml) we study. It would probably not work if you have high loading
concentrations such that the TI signal is masked by residual systematic
deviations in the fit.
At 08:52 AM 11/14/2006, you wrote:
>Hallo Christine,
>we had both of our XL-I upgraded in february 2006, exactly in the way you
>describe it: PC, CCD, software:
>The dark noise of the new CCD and new frame-grabber is somewhat better, but
>the pixel size and number is identical, leading to no significant
>enhancement in fringe shift accuracy.
>The new software is the old software, with only 1 new feature: Data from
>cell x is 'sometimes' saved as data from cell (x-1). 'Sometimes' means a
>few % of all scans are missorted. The problem is aleatoric, independent of
>waiting time between scans and less dramatic on one of the machines. We can
>eliminate scans from the analysis, depending on bad residuals in fits, but
>what if you run two very similar samples - how do you identify a missorted
>scan? What I find incredible is that this bug was known with Beckman before
>our placement of order, but they told us only after the upgrade !!! Since 9
>months they are unable to fix it.
>Now, why did I spend the money for virtually no progress? Simply because my
>IT-department no longer tolerates Win95-PCs in the network. If you can
>still escape ;-) don't upgrade, wait for Tom Laue's next-generation-AUC.
>Beste Grüße, Wendel
>Dr. Wendel Wohlleben
>Polymer Physics
>Phone: +49 621 60-95339, E-Mail: wendel.wohlleben at basf.com
>Postal Address: BASF Aktiengesellschaft, GKP/O - G201, D-67056
>Ludwigshafen, Germany
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> "Christine.Wandre
> y at epfl.ch"
> <Christine.Wandre An
> y at epfl.ch> rasmb at server1.bbri.org
> Gesendet von: Kopie
> rasmb-bounces at ser
> ver1.bbri.org Thema
> [RASMB] AUC Upgrade
> 12.11.2006 18:43
>Dear all,
>Is there anybody who has already upgraded an OPTIMA XL-I??
>We purchased our equipment in 1997. It is still
>very well functioning and was not too much used.
>Now I intend replacing the PC, software, digital
>camera, software,...- the complete set offered by
>Is there anything special that I should consider?
>Thank you,
>PD Dr.habil. Christine Wandrey, MER
>Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
>Laboratoire de Médecine Régénérative et de Pharmacobiologie (LMRP)
>tél: (+41) (21) 693 96 61 in office AAB 042 or
>(+41) (21) 693 36 72 in office CH J2 494
>fax: (+41) (21) 693 96 85
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>AAB 042, Station 15
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