[RASMB] IP4 suffix dropped by Windows98?
Borries Demeler
demeler at bioc09.v19.uthscsa.edu
Wed Oct 17 09:00:27 PDT 2001
> Hi RASMBers,
> Sorry if this is old hat, but for the first time in my experience
> (several years) the PC connected to our XL-I has begun dropping the
> 'dot IP4' suffix from interference scans collected from rotor
> position 4. Interferance scans from other rotor positions are not
> affected, and other workers here have vague remembrance of seeing
> this behaviour before, and in fact mentioned that getting info on a
> file shows the information still there, just not dumped to the screen
> display. When I ftp these files to my linux box the IP4s seem to
> reappear. Apparently a Windows problem. Cause for concern? Can I
> 'fix' it?
See if the extension .IP4 has been associated with some program,
maybe notepad or something, if I recall correctly, once you associate
a file extension under Windows with a program, WIndows "remembers" the
association and hides the filename extension. Simply click on an IP4
scan and see if some program loads up, that's the one you may want to
disassociate then. Maybe you can also change the explorer display
properties (not sure what the exact menu item is) to view all file details.
Sorry, I can't check this here, but it should be easy to test.
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