Hey everyone,<br><br>This afternoon, we received two errors whilst attempting to startup our ProteomeLab software (we have version 6):<br><br>Internal SDK error<br>Source file: BFBrdUsr.c<br>Line #: 1131<br>Error Code 4298<br>
Message: Can't initialize for camera<br><br>R2CamUsr.c<br>Line #: 275<br>Error Code 4298<br>Message: Error reading configuration file<br><br>When
I attempt to open an old scan file, or create a new one, the
interference box cannot be toggled in the cell setup, nor can I play
with the laser settings. The comport connections are connected securely
from the back of the ultracentrifuge, and the blue lightning bolts
flash, indicating connectivity. The only abnormality is that our
battery backup surge protector (connected only to the computer, APC
Back-UPS RS 900 model) has its replace battery light blinking and
beeping. Given the error messages above, I don't anticipate this is our
problem, but I also do not know. <br>
<br>Have any of you had any experience with an issue like this? I was
hoping to perhaps receive a quick-fix tip from you before
calling Beckman. Thanks in advance.<div><div><img src="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif"></div></div><span><font color="#888888"><br>
<br>-Jake Marold<br>Johns Hopkins University</font></span>