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<font size="-1">Dear all,<br>
<font size="-1">I hope you had a good start in 2013 and some of
you can possibly gi<font size="-1">ve me </font>advice on <font
size="-1">a <font size="-1">pro<font size="-1">blem with ou</font></font>r
Xl-I machine.<font size="-1"> The raw data of our
interference op<font size="-1">tics</font> show (and always
showed) such an enormous vertical jitter that it is hard to
j<font size="-1">udge whether the <font size="-1">sample
sediments at all and where the meniscus is located </font></font></font></font></font></font><font
size="-1"><font size="-1"><font size="-1"><font size="-1">(see
attached file)</font></font></font></font><font size="-1"><font
size="-1"><font size="-1"><font size="-1"><font size="-1"><font
size="-1"><font size="-1">. Whereas<font size="-1">, a</font>fter
subtraction of T<font size="-1">I and RI noise the
data look quite nice, I a<font size="-1">m wondering
<font size="-1">what <font size="-1">the reason
of this jitter is. Has anyone an idea a<font
size="-1">bout its possible source and how <font
size="-1">I can get rid of it?</font> <br>
<font size="-1">Thank you in advance<br>
<font size="-1">Ute</font><br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
PD Dr. rer. nat. Ute Curth
> Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
> Strukturanalyse
> OE 8830
> Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
> 30625 Hannover
> Germany
> Tel.: +49-511-5329372
> Fax : +49-511-5325966</pre>