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<div>Dear all,</div>
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<div>it is with great sorrow that we have learned of the death of our esteemed colleague, Joachim Behlke, ending a scientific career that has been connected to the analytical ultracentrifuge for more than 40 years. Joachim has written or contributed to over
160 publications, covering, amongst others, protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions, crystallisation theory, thermodynamic non-ideality as well as theoretical aspects of data analysis, where he applied statistical thermodynamics to sedimentation
equilibrium data and developed analytical, approximate solutions to the Lamm-equation. He was the organiser of the 9<font size="1"><sup>th</sup></font> international AUC-symposium in Berlin/Buch and a regular attendee of these meetings, ever since the fall
of the wall. In recognition of his achievements, Joachim has been awarded the Svedberg-medal at the AUC-conference in Uppsalla in 2009. One could discuss essentially any AUC-topic with Joachim, only to find out that he had already worked on it – 10, 20 or more
years ago, testimony to the width and breadth of his scientific thinking.</div>
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<div>Born on the 19<font size="1"><sup>th</sup></font> of October 1934 in Biesental, close to Berlin, he studied chemistry in Greifswald between 1954-1960 where he also obtained his PhD-degree in 1964. He then joined the “Zentralinstitut für Molekularbiologie”
in Berlin/Buch in 1971, one of the most prestigious and internationally respected research institutions of the former GDR. After the fall of the wall, Joachim continued his career at the Humboldt-University of Berlin and the Max-Delbrück-Centre (MDC) in Berlin/Buch.
He went on to work there after his emeritation in 1999 and has advised students and co-operators until shortly before his death on the 5<font size="1"><sup>th</sup></font> of april 2011.</div>
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<div>As a collegue, I always enjoyed to discuss even the most hidden details of a sedimentation data analysis over a coffee or beer with Joachim. We will miss you and your insights.</div>
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<div>Being a young graduate student eager to learn the details of AUC from Joachim, instead of being taken by the hand and lead the easy way, I was confronted with his statement that “you know, every protein is different”. Words of wisdom, indeed.</div>
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<div><font face="Verdana, sans-serif">Helmut Cölfen and Holger Strauss</font></div>
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