<font face="Arial, Helvetica"><b>POSTDOCTORAL POSITION AVAILABLE -
</b>A postdoctoral research position in the laboratory of Allen P. Minton
at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland will become
available toward the end of 2010. The position carries a stipend of
$44,000 + benefits for recent recipients of the Ph.D. degree, and the
initial appointment is for two years (extendable).<br><br>
Research in this laboratory focuses on the development and application of
novel methods for detection and quantitative characterization of
macromolecular interactions in solution, with emphasis on solutions
containing high total concentration of one or more macromolecular
solutes. The laboratory is equipped with instrumentation for
measurement of the composition dependence of sedimentation equilibrium
and static and dynamic light scattering in solutions containing one or
multiple solute components, as well as a variety of other
physical-chemical properties of protein solutions (UV-vis spectra, CD
spectra, fluorescence, viscosity, etc.). <br><br>
Candidates should have a background in physical biochemistry and a strong
interest in methods development, including instrumental design.
Computer programming experience (MATLAB, C, Pascal/Delphi) is
U.S. citizenship is not necessary, but simplifies application procedures
and eliminates additional processing for procurement of visas.<br><br>
Interested individuals should send copies of CV and bibliography to Dr.
Minton at the above email address.<br><br>
Web page:<b>
<a href="http://www2.niddk.nih.gov/NIDDKLabs/IntramuralFaculty/MintonAllen.htm" eudora="autourl">
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