<TITLE>Another query on isotopic water</TITLE>
Greetings RASMBers<BR>
I have a query regarding the <I>density</I> of that other (vastly more expensive!) isotope of water, namely H2 18O. All I can find are vague assurances that it is 'very close to that of D2 16O' - hardly what I want. Oh - and one reference which gave a value to 6 significant figures for the density at 0ºC - accompanied by a statement that its freezing point was over 3ºC !!!<BR>
Otherwise, my web searching has been futile, and the Rubber Handbook has nothing in it.<BR>
Any info gratefully (as ever) received.<BR>
-- <BR>
Arthur Rowe<BR>
Lab at Sutton Bonington<BR>
tel: +44 115 951 6156<BR>
fax: +44 115 951 6157<BR>
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