<TITLE>Re: [RASMB] smaller protein size than expected</TITLE>
Which optics were you using - absorption or interference? If the latter, then you may have problems with the 'baseline' if that has been floated.<BR>
Whatever, a sigma value of the order of >1 ought to be fine to get a value seriously better than '10kDa for a 16kDa protein"<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE><TT>hello all,<BR>
I recently did sedimentation equilibrium runs on a protein (monomer size: 16<BR>
KD), at 3 concentrations (260, 130, 52 u M) at speeds of 25, 30, 35000 RPM.<BR>
Using Heteroanalysis, I could only fit the data into an ideal solution model,<BR>
with a monomer MW of 10KD. Also, this protein runs at a MW lower than <BR>
on the gel filtration col also. SDS gel indicates it's the right size and not<BR>
degraded after the measurements.<BR>
Anybody has any suggestions why this protein appears to be such a "smaller"<BR>
Thanks a lot,<BR>
Fang Yi<BR>
Postdoc Fellow<BR>
Yale University<BR>
Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry<BR>
New haven, CT 06511<BR>
RASMB mailing list<BR>
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