<TITLE>Re: [RASMB] Frictional ratio of two touching spheres</TITLE>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT COLOR="#800000">. . . . and José's computation for 2 touching spheres is f/f0 = 1.06.<BR>
{<I>just</I> in case there should be anyone out there who does not have a copy of the Harding, Rowe & Horton eds (1992) book immediately to hand!}<BR>
Arthur Rowe<BR>
Lab at Sutton Bonington<BR>
tel: +44 115 951 6156<BR>
fax: +44 115 951 6157<BR>
There is also Jose Garcia de la Torre's chapter in the 1992 book<BR>
"Analytical Ultracentrifugation in Biochemistry and Polymer Science"<BR>
has some values for various shaped oligomers of spheres.<BR>
Jacob Lebowitz wrote:<BR>
> <BR>
> Dear RASMB'er,<BR>
> <BR>
> Re Karel's query below, there is an old reference, The Translational <BR>
> Coefficient of Proteins by Teller et al. Method in Enzymology Vol. 61, <BR>
> pp. 103-124. This presentation covers the issue raised below. I am quite <BR>
> sure that there are far more recent papers covering this topic but I had <BR>
> Vol.61 on my office shelf.<BR>
> <BR>
> Jack<BR>
> <BR>
> <BR>
> At 12:22 PM 11/7/2006, Karel Planken wrote:<BR>
>> Dear RASMB'er,<BR>
>> Can someone provide some references that report calculations/values of <BR>
>> the frictional ratio for an associate of two equal sized spheres (two <BR>
>> touching spheres/dumbbell like conformation)?<BR>
>> Thank you in advance.<BR>
>> Regards, Karel Planken.<BR>
>> K. L. Planken<BR>
>> Van 't Hoff Laboratory for Physical and Colloid Chemistry<BR>
>> Utrecht University<BR>
>> H.R. Kruytgebouw<BR>
>> Padualaan 8<BR>
>> 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands<BR>
>> Phone: +31-30-253 2888<BR>
>> Fax: +31-30-253 3870<BR>
>> <http://www.chem.uu.nl/fcc/www/peopleindex/karel/karel.htm>Please <BR>
>> visit my webpage!<BR>
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-- <BR>
Dr Andrew Leech * Head of the Molecular<BR>
Technology Facility * Interactions Laboratory<BR>
Department of Biology (Area 15) * Tel : +44 (0)1904 328723<BR>
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