<TITLE>Re: [RASMB] frictional ratio - correction</TITLE>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT COLOR="#800000"><B><I>My apologies - a factor of 2 was missed out in the formula which I gave. The correct formula is as given below.<BR>
For a protein of mass 21 KDa, of average residue weight 105 Da (i.e. 191 residues), this gives a frictional ratio = 2.33. Which agrees with the value (2.3) computed using the Uversky empirical formula, as communicated by Claus Urbanke.<BR>
Seasonal greetings, Holger, and to all RASMBers!<BR>
There is actually a simple formula which predicts the frictional ratio of a protein in random coil form:<BR>
f/f0 = {(A*n^b/ M0)/(2.5*vbar)}^1/3<BR>
where n = number of aa residues in the protein, M0 is its <I>average</I> residue weight, n is the number of residues, vbar is the partial specific volume, and A and b are empirically determinable constants, estimated to be A = 77.3 and b = 0.666 for proteins (Tanford,C. Kawaharas, K. & Laopanje, S. (1967) JACS 89 729). <BR>
The formal proof of the above equation, together with a spreadsheet which computes f/f0 for you are available from here, by simple request.<BR>
A nice little Christmas puzzle!<BR>
Arthur J Rowe<BR>
Professor of Biomolecular Technology<BR>
NCMH Business Centre<BR>
University of Nottingham<BR>
School of Biosciences<BR>
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Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6156<BR>
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email: arthur.rowe@nottingham.ac.uk<BR>
Web: www.nottingham.ac.uk/ncmh/business<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE><TT>Hi everybody,<BR>
I remember that the frictional ratio for a fully unfolded polypeptide <BR>
chain is around 2.3; but I can't remember the actual reference. Any hints?<BR>
A happy, peaceful and healthy 2006 to all!<BR>
RASMB mailing list<BR>
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