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Dear colleagues,
<br>dear Chris,
<br>dear Ariel,
<p>I have just posted to web the new updated version (2.1s) of our SEGAL
program with corrected 6 channal option. I've also added the possibility
to save fitting window in JPEG format and the option to generate
the fitting report in text format, included fitted data to use them after
in 'Excell' to make a new graphs.
<p>See and try it:
<br><a href="http://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/personal/jseelig/AUC/news.html">Analitical
Ultracentrifugation at the Biozentrum: NEWS</a>
<br><A HREF="http://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/personal/jseelig/AUC/news.html">http://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/personal/jseelig/AUC/news.html</A>
<p>With regards,
<p>Dr. Gia Machaidze
<br>Maurice E. Mueller Institute of Stuctural Biology
<br>Biozentrum/University of Basel
<br>Klingelbergstr. 70
<br>CH-4056 Basel/Switzerland
<p>Phone: +41 61 2672073
<br>Fax: +41 61 2672109
<br>E. Mail: Gia.Machaidze@unibas.ch
<br> </html>