<TITLE>Re: [RASMB] Hb vbar...</TITLE>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT COLOR="#800000">Hi Dave (and all RASMBers)<BR>
The partial specific volume of the haem (a.k.a. heme) group is 0.82 ml/g as determined by <I>ab initio</I> calculation from volume increments (Mayer, Anderka, Ludwig & Schubert; Proc Colloid Polym Sci (2002) 119: 77-83). You can download this paper from:<BR>
www.biozentrum.uni-frankfurt.de/molgen/pdf/Mayer_PCPS_2002.pdf <BR>
They were looking at the cytochrome bc1 complex, but I doubt that the Hb environment would make much difference. Get the total vbar for Hb by simple weighting (see above reference).<BR>
Arthur J Rowe<BR>
Professor of Biomolecular Technology<BR>
NCMH Business Centre<BR>
University of Nottingham<BR>
School of Biosciences<BR>
Sutton Bonington<BR>
Leicestershire LE12 5RD UK<BR>
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6156<BR>
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Fax: +44 (0)115 951 6157<BR>
email: arthur.rowe@nottingham.ac.uk<BR>
arthur.rowe@connectfree.co.uk (home)<BR>
Web: www.nottingham.ac.uk/ncmh/business<BR>
Hello everyone in RASMB-land.<BR>
One question that was asked of me by an old colleague that I am unable <BR>
to answer:<BR>
What is the vbar of haemoglobin? Surely the haem groups make a <BR>
contribution and we cannot simply estimate it from the amino acid <BR>
Dave Scott.<BR>
p.s. answers such as "go and measure it" are not feasible as he does <BR>
not have access to a density meter!<BR>
Dr. David J. Scott<BR>
Department of Biochemistry<BR>
School of Medical Sciences<BR>
University of Bristol<BR>
Bristol BS8 1TD<BR>
United Kingdom<BR>
Phone: +44 (0)117 954 6873<BR>
Fax: +44 (0)117 928 8274<BR>
Email: david.scott@bristol.ac.uk<BR>
Web: http://www.bch.bris.ac.uk/staff/halford/djswebpage.htm<BR>
...so why don't we drop food on them instead?<BR>
RASMB mailing list<BR>