[RASMB] Fluorescence Detector for AUC

Glen Ramsay glen at sundewrising.com
Fri Sep 20 07:43:37 PDT 2024

Dear AUC Lovers:

I hope that you are all doing well.  I wish to call your attention to 
the Aviv Fluorescence Detection System (FDS), in the Beckman AUC.

You may be aware that Beckman Coulter has announced that they will be no 
longer offer new Service Contracts for the XL-A / XL-I models, and that 
service for these instruments will end in December of 2025.  The absence 
of an equivalent detector in the new Beckman Optima creates the 
possibility that the FDS technology will age out of existence.  
Fortunately, there is still hope for development of the next generation 
of AUC fluorescence detectors. This project is still the early stages 
and needs community support.  If you are interested in supporting this 
project then please contact me at glen at sundewrising.com. I will send you 
a draft letter of support, along with instructions on where to send it.

In the meantime, I intend to keep your FDS units operating for as long 
as possible.  I am not in a position to service Beckman AUCs, but I can 
keep the FDS running.  Please contact me if you need support with your FDS.

Finally, interest in the FDS remains strong.  If your lab has no future 
plans for your unit then perhaps I can suggest a buyer.  It would be 
best to keep this technology alive, while perhaps creating income for 
the selling lab.

Best wishes,


Glen Ramsay, Ph.D.
Sundew Rising LLC

glen at sundewrising.com
www.sundewrising.com <http://www.sundewrising.com>

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