[RASMB] Sequence files for SEDNTERP v 2.0

Arthur Rowe arthur.rowe at nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Mar 7 11:46:20 PST 2012

Hi Tom

Many thanks for setting up a new version of that well-loved utility SEDNTERP. This is very much appreciated - not least amongst those many who like to have the software running on our MacBook laptops!

Just one query - and it may be that others in the community will have encountered this problem. Why is it that for data input of aa sequences (for vbar analysis etc) you now have a choice only of .SMP files (how obscure are they?!) or .seq files of 3-letter codes? I have for many years used single-letter codes - don't we all? - in .seq files for SEDNTERP, and never had a problem. Dealing as I do with many different proteins, colleagues/external users/whoever invariably supply the sequence of their precious proteins in this format. I suppose I could quickly write a 'convertor' plug-in within my favourite software - but how clunky is that?

Or am I missing something obvious, I wonder?

Kind regards to you (and all)


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