[RASMB] FW: sedimentation velocity data
Leech, AP
andrew.leech at york.ac.uk
Mon Oct 3 02:51:17 PDT 2011
Hi Anamika,
You can check the radial calibration by scanning across your
counterbalance in hole 4 or 8 (depending on rotor). The inner
edge should be at 5.85 and the outer at 7.15 cm.
Further to John's comments, was there the same volume of
liquid in the cell after the run as before (both sectors)?
Leaks are usually obvious because the meniscus in one or other
sector gradually moves outwards, but your plot is too crowded
to tell that. If a leak happened, the data will not be analysable.
If it is due to the radial calibration problem, I suppose in
theory you could align all the data using the meniscuses
(menisci?) as a reference point. However, I think it would be
quicker to do the experiment again!
Best regards,
On 30/09/2011 17:59, Anamika Patel wrote:
> Sorry I missed the atatchement in my earlier e-mail
> Anamika
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Anamika Patel
> *Sent:* Friday, September 30, 2011 11:00 AM
> *To:* RASMB at rasmb.bbri.org
> *Subject:* sedimentation velocity data
> Dear RASMB subscribers,
> We collected some sedimentation velocity data on AUC (XLA) and happed to
> notice a problem with our mechine with radial cabritation. As a result
> of that in our data the sample as well as refrence mesicuse drifted a
> lot from scan to scan. It seems that we need some fixing with our AUC
> but meanwhile I was wondering if there is any way to analyze the data
> which I have already collected. I have atatched a snapshot of my data.
> Any suggestions or advice would be highly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Anamika Patel, Ph.D.
> Department of Biology
> Life Science Complex
> Syracuse University
> 107 College place
> Syracuse- 13244
> NY
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Dr Andrew Leech * Laboratory Head
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