[RASMB] Slit assembly electrical problem??
smcbryan at lamar.colostate.edu
Wed Sep 15 13:47:39 PDT 2010
good day to you all,
Please see attached .png file showing a zoomed view of the menisci from a
recent SV experiment. Rather than being peaks, they appear to be plateaus
of varying widths, and, I believe, are dooming my high resolution analysis.
Can anyone suggest a likely mechanical or electrical problem that might
cause this, and a solution? Is it possible that my slit assembly motor is
freezing in place from time to time. Coincident with this observed
phenomena, has been the occurrence of outlier scans, no more than one or
two per experiment, that are baseline absorbance for much of the scan, then
rapidly jump up to a more proper y-axis position and then follow the smooth
shape of the other boundaries. Alternatively, in the most recent experiment
(see second .png) the scans stay at high Abs values coming off the meniscus
and then drop down to baseline well after the actual boundary position.
many thanks,
Steven McBryant, PhD
Protein Production and Characterization Facility
Research Scientist/Scholar
Colorado State University
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