[RASMB] densitymeter to computer
suchi at bio.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
Sat Apr 18 21:59:22 PDT 2009
Dear Antje,
You need no special software to acquire data from DMA5000.
As Andrew mentioned before, you can acquire data manually thorough
terminal.type program equipped on Windows.
The procedure we use is
1. Connect COM port of AntonPaar to Win-PC by RS232 cross cable.
2. From the windows menu of Win PC, start
"program-accessories-communication-hyper terminal".
3. Name as you want, for example, "acquisition". You can choose any icon.
4. Choose connection type "COM".
5. Set port settings same as you set in DMA5000. for example "bit=9600,
data bit=8, parity=even, stop bit=1, flow control=hardware"
6. Choose "transfer-receive file) from the menu of hyper terminal and
specify the folder where you want to save the data.
7. On DMA5000, go to data reference mode, push "Print" and you can
retrieve data on PC.
We use Japanese Windows usually to acquire the AntonPaar data thus name
of windows command might be different from English Windows but hopefully
you can follow our procedure.
Best regards,
Susumu Uchiyama, Ph. D., Assistant Professor
Department of Biotechnology,
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita 565-0871, Osaka, Japan
TEL: 81-6-6879-4215
FAX: 81-6-6879-7442
E-mai : suchi at bio.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
> Antje Voelkel wrote:
>> Dear colleagues,
>> Does anybody have experiences in connecting a DMA 5000 densitymeter to a
>> computer?
>> It looks like our program version does not respond.
>> Best regards
>> Antje
>> ===============================================================
>> Antje Voelkel
>> Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
>> Colloid Chemistry
>> Am Muehlenberg 1
>> 14476 Golm
>> Germany
>> Tel: +49 331 567 -9528/ -9531
>> Fax: +49 331 567 -9502
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