[RASMB] torque wrench spare part
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
pjgb at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Tue Jun 15 12:02:33 PDT 2004
Dear Joris,
Before the current Beckman torque wrench, when they still supplied the ones
where one had to read the pointer over a scale while torquing up the cell,
I went to see our Mechanical Workshop. They had no problem finding me a
torque wrench from their tool catalogue, which was cheaper than even the
then Beckman product (and much cheaper than the current one) and has done
the job for the past 8 years.
I suggest that you follow the same route.
--On Tuesday, June 15, 2004 4:31 pm +0200 Joris Beld
<beld at org.chem.ethz.ch> wrote:
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> Dear all,
> Recently I broke the small metal bar located in the bottom of the turnable
> rod of the torque wrench, with which you tighten the cells. Unfortunately
> we do not have a spare one. I tried to let the local technicians (whom are
> normally really equipped and efficient) make me a new one but they
> convinced me that this is some special hardened and polished kind of
> metal. So I contacted the Beckman field service and heard that this thing
> is around 500 to 700 Dollars. Rather expensive for a really small piece
> of essential equipment for the analytical ultracentrifuge. My question is
> if anyone found a cheaper source for this small metal bar?
> Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Joris
> --
> Joris Beld
> Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
> ETH-Hönggerberg
> HCI-F322
> CH-8093 Zürich
> Switzerland
> + 41 1 6322972
> beld at org.chem.ethz.ch
> http://www.protein.ethz.ch
> --
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