[RASMB] Holgers Mem-Prot. question
ariel.lustig at unibas.ch
Tue Feb 17 10:42:01 PST 2004
Dear Holger and colleagues ,
I join Jo's opinion that the determination of the concentration of a
mem-prot MP
in detergent solution is quasi impossible with conventional methods.
Lets return to the roots!
It took me years to learn that it is impossible to determine with
methods (density-meter) detergents micelles or MP-complexes , first of
all because
the lack of the concentration knowledge. In such a solution we have 3
sorts of
particles 1 . under Cmc detergent, 2. over CMc detergent micelles(empty),
3. and
With SV and schlieren or interference optic =dn/dc you are able to see with
OG or DM two sedimenting peaks the "empty"=detergent micelles -only and
the MP-complexes, that one can indicate also by absorption optics. S' is
also pressure dependent.
Important in this case is
that the detergent micelles have a density over 1 (not like Octyl Poe,
ro = about 1)
The under Cmc can not be measured in this system.
As I learned recently , the ratio of bound micelles is labile=unstable.
I have submitted to BBA a short paper and will speak about this next
in the
I do not prepare myself MP solutions but measure them and am happy if
the OD
fits to the cell thickness .
Meanwhile no answer for you ariel
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