[RASMB] 13th Int. Symposium on AUC
auc at uni-osnabrueck.de
Tue Dec 10 04:51:00 PST 2002
13th International Symposium on Analytical Ultracentrifugation, 2nd
Dear Sirs,
up to now several speakers have announced their oral contribution, for
the next meeting
at Osnabrück on March 6th and 7th 2003. Main lectures will be given by
L. Boerger,
H. Cölfen, Chr. Ebel, St. Harding, and H. Rowe. Since there is a limited
number of oral
presentations, I ask everybody of you to register as soon as possible.
The number of poster
presentations is not limited as in all years before. We try to consider
all intended
contributions if they reach us before the 20th of January 2003.
Traditionally this symposium will be without any registration fees.
As we need to prepare the conference booklet of abstracts we ask all
speakers and those
who want to present a poster to send us an abstract of approximately one
page not later
than February the 7th, 2003 if it has not been done yet. If possible
send me your abstract
as an email attachment preferably as a Winword-document.
People who want to publish their contribution in the volume Progress in
Colloid and
Polymer Science are asked to bring their manuscript to the meeting so
that a rapid
publication is ensured. The templates and the instructions for authors
are given as
attachment to this 2nd circular or can be downloaded from
http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/2882/instr.htm and
http.//www.springer.de/chem/authors/ (-> word template -> sv-cjour.zip)
may be sent directly from the conference organisator.
The special conference book can be ordered at the conference at a
reduced price of
57,-- + 3,-- for postage and handling. If you are interested in this
offer of the
Springer-Verlag you must pay this amount in advance at the conference
and the book will
be sent to you by the publisher directly after publication.
For all people we want to describe shortly how you can get to
By plane:
Book your flight to Muenster/Osnabrueck Airport
from Münster/Osnabrueck Airport take the bus X 150 to Osnabrueck Hbf
and get off
at Adolf-Reichwein-Platz
from Adolf-Reichwein-Platz take the bus line 11R11, 13 or 21 and get
off at Sedanplatz
By train:
Take the train to Osnabrueck Hbf
from Osnabrueck Hbf take the bus line 92, 91, 81, 82 or 581 and get off
at Neumarkt
from Neumarkt take the bus line 11R11, 13 or 21 and get off at
By Car From Hannover:
Autobahn A 30, direction Amsterdam - exit Osnabrueck-Hellern
at the traffic lights turn right (Kurt-Schumacher-Damm), direction
Staedtische Kliniken or Parkhotel
at the traffic lights turn right (An der Blankenburg), direction
Staedtische Kliniken or Parkhotel
at the end of this street turn right (Rheiner Landstrasse), direction
Staedtische Kliniken or Parkhotel
at the 4th traffic lights turn left (Mozartstrasse), direction
follow priority road
at the end turn right (Sedanstrasse)
at the 2nd traffic lights turn right (Barbarastrasse)
By Car From Amsterdam, Münster Bremen
Autobahn 20, direction Hannover - exit Osnabrück Hellern
at the traffic lights straight on (An der Blankenburg), direction
Staedtische Kliniken or Parkhotel
at the end of this street turn right (Rheiner Landstrasse), direction
Staedtische Kliniken or Parkhotel
at the 4th traffic lights turn left (Mozartstrasse), direction
follow priority road
at the end turn right (Sedanstrasse)
at the 2nd traffic lights turn right (Barbarastrasse)
The third Circular with the preliminary program will be sent to you in
the beginning of February
Im looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you again in
(M. D. Lechner)
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