[RASMB] 200 nm buffer salts

Marc S. Lewis mslewis at helix.nih.gov
Wed Dec 12 15:58:01 PST 2001

To all:

I need to do some equilibrium studies on a sulfated polysaccharide at 206
nm.  My question is whether or not 0.5 M NaF, which has good transparency
there, will have an adverse effect on either quartz or sapphire windows in
a run taking several days - alternatively, is there any other neutral salt
that could be used?

Thanks -

Marc Lewis

Marc S. Lewis, Ph. D., Chief
Molecular Interactions Resource
Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science
Office of Research Services
National Institutes of Health
Buiding 13  Room 3N17
13 South Drive  MSC 5766
BETHESDA MD 20892-5766

Phone: 301-496-9044;  Fax:  301-496-6608

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