[RASMB] Chaotic Profiles
H. Olin Spivey
ospivey at bmb-fs1.biochem.okstate.edu
Fri Nov 16 15:57:00 PST 2001
We have been trying to characterize a protein for a colleague that
behaves unlike anything I have encountered with the ultracentrifuge.
This protein is reported to have a monomer subunit of 116 kDa that
undergoes self-association. Sedimentation equilibrium experiments in
the XL-A use the 6 sector centerpiece with a column height of about
1.6 mm and are performed at speeds from 6,000 to 12,000 rpm. The
buffer is 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 5 mM beta-ME, 50 mM ZnCl2, and 0.2 M
NaCl. Experiments are run at 10 deg. C. Loading protein
concentrations are 0.3 and 0.6 mg/ml giving initial A280 values near
0.3 and 0.6, resp. A280 values are averages of 16 points for each
radial point.
In all the experiments, the protein never reaches equilibrium even
if we run for 60 hrs. We don't perceive a decrease in signal
amplitude over time so I don't think we are losing protein with time.
Admittedly, we should be more quantitative in evaluating this, e.g.,
by integrating the signal. However, the most puzzling thing is the
random and large fluctuations of the profile during successive scans.
After a large deviation they relax back to approximately the earlier
smooth profile. These random deviations persist throughout all runs
lasting typically 36 hours, but on occasions 60 hrs. The amplitudes,
locations, and duration of these deviations are not reproducible from
one occurrence to another, but they have an average periodicity of
about 6 hours. This pattern is not changed if we use FC43 silicon
oil or not.
The slow approach to equilibrium is not unexpected. The protein
sample on a size exclusion column separates into two peaks - the
first peak corresponding roughly to twice the MW of the second one.
This indicates a slow interconversion relative to the time of
chromatography. The chaotic deviations from smooth profiles is,
however, inexplicable to me. We have tested the obvious. Control
experiments with thyroglobulin at these same speeds and temperature
behave normally. Thyroglobulin has a similar MW (669 kDa) to the
associated protein being studied. Observing that SDS-PAGE bands look
much sharper and straight with 0.3 M DTT, we have tried to use much
higher concentrations of sulfhydryl reagents in these ultracentrifuge
experiments. However, our first attempt with DTT caused an
intolerably high 280 nm absorbance. We have purchased TBP and may
try this, but I am not hopeful. Would interference optics avoid this
problem with RSH reagents? We don't have such optics, but we could
send the sample elsewhere.
Does anyone understand how these "chaotic" events occur? Are
experiments with higher concentrations of sulfhydryl reagents worth
performing? If so, is the interference optical system a better way
to obtain these data?
A cycle of these events can be seen at
http://opbs.okstate.edu/~spivey/auc/chaos.html. Since virtually all
experiments show a large range of molecular weights, we analyze the
profiles to obtain weight average molecular weights, M_subscript_w,
at successive radial positions. That is, we calculate M_subscript_w
from the slopes of the ln(A280) vs. r^2 curve at each radius. These
are then plotted vs. A280, which is proportional to total protein
concentration. I have written the program to obtain these slopes and
weight averages since I was not pleased with the Beckman program for
these calculations. In some cases the deviations are so large that
MW averages decrease monotonically with increasing absorbance over
the entire radial range! Taking derivatives magnifies deviations and
noise/signal ratios. However, the same plots obtained from
thyroglobulin data remain smooth and reproducible in time. Also the
primary data plots (A280 vs. r) show the deviations for the test
protein albeit as much smaller deviations relative to the scale
exhibited. Such a primary plot for the 20 hr profile is given at the
above site to puts things in the perspective we are more familiar
with. Looking at the latter, one can see that the random deviations
in primary data don't need to be especially large to cause these
effects. But why are they present at all?
Many thanks for your consideration and my apologies for the length
of this letter.
H. Olin Spivey Phone: (405) 744-6192
Dept. Biochem. & Molec. Biology Fax: (405) 744-7799
246 NRC Email: OSpivey at Biochem.Okstate.Edu
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-3035
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